Adolf Lorenz
1854 - 1946


Adolf and Albert Lorenz Memorial
1010 Vienna, Rathausstrasse 21



Hofr.Dr. Adolf Lorenz 1854-1946

Orthopädische Chirurgie






July/August 2008

Within the scope of the agreement of 27th December, 2007 between the Adolf Lorenz Society and the University of Teramo Jacopo Barbati from Montesilvano from the Italian University of Teramo fulfilled his voluntary service from 29th July to 26th August, 2008. Michael Balke from Bochum (Germany) who completed his Erasmus overseas year at the University in Teramo also came to Vienna in order to do his voluntary work during the same time. Under professional supervision both students not only worked on raising an inventory of the Lorenz Library and all the furnishings in the memorial, but they also helped with organising an evening event with a tour of the museum on 18th August, 2008 at 6.30 p.m. Fortunately, not only the Friends of the Adolf Lorenz Society, but also many staff members from the Austrian Ethnology Museum, the Vienna Medical Academy and the University Clinic of Orthopaedics, Medical University of Vienna were greeted as interested guests. Following the words of welcome by the Society's Chairman Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz, there was a short tour through the rooms, which the Italian student Jacopo Barbati held in German. A small aperitif and animated discussion formed a nice end to the official part of the evening. The last guests took their leave late in the evening.

Viewing appointment of the Lorenz Surgery
18th August, 2008 at 6.30 p.m.
Vienna 1, Rathausstrasse 21

11 Viewing appointment on 18th August, 2008 at 6.30 p.m.

11 Viewing appointment on 18th August, 2008 at 6.30 p.m.


12 Gerlinde Jahn and Silvia Konstantinou (Vienna Medical Academy and tutor)

12 Gerlinde Jahn and Silvia Konstantinou
(Vienna Medical Academy and tutor)


13 Silvia Konstantinou tutor of the voluntary service 2008

13 Silvia Konstantinou tutor of the voluntary service 2008


14 Regina Pichler from the Austrian Ethnology Museum, Richard Knobb (webmaster)

14 Regina Pichler from the Austrian Ethnology Museum, Richard Knobb (webmaster)


15 L. Habesohn (ÖH University of Vienna) Sabine and Helmut Meyer

15 L. Habesohn (ÖH University of Vienna) Sabine and Helmut Meyer


16 Words of welcome by the Chairman of the Adolf Lorenz Society, Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz. To his left his wife Dagmar Kotz

16 Words of welcome by the Chairman of the Adolf Lorenz Society, Prof. Dr. Rainer Kotz.
To his left his wife Dagmar Kotz


17 First from the left Ms. Brigitte Hermann, who came to Dr. Albert Lorenz's surgery as an 8 year old patient and remembers him well. Third from the left Ms. Elisabeth Ribar-Maurer, former Head of the Vienna Medical Academy, now secretary of the Society. She was significantly involved in founding the Adolf Lorenz Society.

17 First from the left Ms. Brigitte Hermann, who came to Dr. Albert Lorenz's surgery as an 8 year old patient and remembers him well. Third from the left Ms. Elisabeth Ribar-Maurer, former Head of the Vienna Medical Academy, now secretary of the Society. She was significantly involved in founding the Adolf Lorenz Society.


18 Jacopo Barbati, student from Italy. Until shortly before he left, he was working on a brochure.

18 Jacopo Barbati, student from Italy. Until shortly before he left, he was working on a brochure.


19 Michael Balke, student from Bochum (G) packing his cases on 26.8.2008

19 Michael Balke, student from Bochum (G) packing his cases on 26.8.2008


20 Michael's comment shortly before going home: "It was fantastic!"

20 Michael's comment shortly before going home: "It was fantastic!"


21 Michael and Jacopo in front of a Turkish pastry shop at the Brunnenmarkt in the district of Ottakring

21 Michael and Jacopo in front of a Turkish pastry shop at the Brunnenmarkt in the district of Ottakring


22 Jacopo at a private tour of the memorial rooms

22 Jacopo at a private tour of the memorial rooms


23 Demonstration of the orthopaedic equipment

23 Demonstration of the orthopaedic equipment


24 Presentation of the "Velotrab"

24 Presentation of the "Velotrab"


25 Demonstration on the trunk bending apparatus

25 Demonstration on the trunk bending apparatus






Hofr.Dr. Adolf LORENZ Orthopädische Chirurgie


Adolf and Albert Lorenz Memorial

1010 Vienna, Rathausstrasse 21




Phone: +43 1 405 04 22



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