Adolf Lorenz
1854 - 1946


Adolf and Albert Lorenz Memorial
1010 Vienna, Rathausstrasse 21



Hofr.Dr. Adolf Lorenz 1854-1946

Orthopädische Chirurgie












About the Society

Adolf and Albert Lorenz Memorial A-1010 Vienna, Rathausstraße 21The Adolf-Lorenz-Society was founded in 1992. After the foundation had been launched and some members of the University Clinic for Orthopaedics volunteered to work the Society's first action in 1993 was to commission a marble relief. The relief shows the profile of Adolf Lorenz and his son Albert. After the relief had been mounted next to the portal of Rathausstrasse 21, the museum and memorial place was to be formally opened in an official ceremony, however, a few days before the relief was to be unveiled Mrs. Helga Lorenz died suddenly. The opening was carried out with a silent memorial to her and the relief was unveiled.

In 1995 together with a historian, the surgery was examined and two years later the booklet "Adolf Lorenz 1864 - 1946, stages of a long life" by Norbert Steingress was produced and realised by the Federal Ministry for Science and Transport, the Vienna Hospital System, the Cultural Association of the City of Vienna and the Scientific Group of the Department of the City Development and Planning of the City of Vienna the Adolf-Lorenz-Society and the Vienna Medical Academy Publishing House. This booklet not only describes the lives of Adolf and Albert Lorenz, but also the development in orthopaedics from 1886 in Vienna. When the German Orthopaedic Congress was held in Vienna in the autumn of 1997, the booklet was presented to the congress participants as a documentation of the memorial. In 2002 it was the 100th anniversary of Adolf Lorenz's famous journey through America and at the same time the International Orthopaedic World Congress (SICOT) was held in San Diego in California, so the booklet was published in English and presented to the congress participants at the 22nd SICOT World Congress.

Due to a generous donation from the Federal Monument Ministry a fundamental renovation of the memorial place was carried out in 2001, in order to install electric heating and to adapt the wet rooms, so that the memorial museum could also be used for small orthopaedic meetings. This generous support was granted by the Monument Ministry after a thorough examination and consultation by Dr. Sárolta Schredl. Since 2001 the Annual Meeting of the Presidents of the Austrian Orthopaedic Society are held in these historical rooms. On the occasion of larger orthopaedic congresses in Vienna e.g. the Austrian Orthopaedic Congress in 1997, the AFOR Congresses 2003 and 2004 there were evening invitations and small meetings in the Lorenz Surgery in Rathausstrasse 21.



Board members

Univ.Prof.Dr. Andreas Leithner

Vice President
Dir.Dr. Roland Frank

Vice President
Univ.Prof.Dr. Reinhard Windhager

Vice President
Univ.Prof.Dr. Alfred Engel

1st Secretary
Univ.Prof.Dr. Martin Krismer

2nd Secretary
Dr. Erwin Lintner

Dr. Rudolf Sigmund



Abstract of the Articles of Association of the Adolf-Lorenz-Society

§ 1 Name, Registered Office and Field of Activity

The name of the organisation shall be "Adolf-Lorenz-Society". Its registered office is in Vienna and its field of activity covers the whole of Austria.

§ 2 Objectives

The objectives of this society, which has no commercial interests, are:



upkeep of Adolf and Albert Lorenz's surgery as a museum



strengthening and developing the friendly, co-operative standards among the doctors in the interest of scientific progress



advancement and improvement of orthopaedics and its associated fields

§ 3 Measures

The means are:



Conducting scientific meetings


Contact with foreign, respective experts


The scientific refurbishment of Adolf and Albert Lorenz's heritage

§ 4 Procurement of the financial measures

The Society's financial measures will be procured by regular membership fees and voluntary donations.

§ 5 Members

Any physical or legal person can become a member of the Adolf-Lorenz-Society. Anybody who is interested in scientific orthopaedics can become a full member […..]
Furthermore, it is planned to enrol doctors living abroad, who are scientifically active, as corresponding members.
To be elected as an honorary member, one must have outstanding, scientific importance […..]
Furthermore, it is planned to enrol companies as "supporting" members. The supporting members do not have a vote […..]

§ 8 Membership fees

The membership fee will be prescribed by the Board of Directors for each new Society year. Honorary and corresponding members do not pay any fee.

§ 9 Members' rights

All members have the right to participate in the meetings and lay claim to all the Society's facilities, wherever possible. Full members will receive a membership card. Honorary and supporting members will receive a diploma as a sign of their membership. Only the full members have the right to vote. The Board of Directors can adjudicate the vote to honorary members. […..]





Hofr.Dr. Adolf LORENZ Orthopädische Chirurgie


Adolf and Albert Lorenz Memorial

1010 Vienna, Rathausstrasse 21




Phone: +43 1 405 04 22



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