The Adolf and Albert Lorenz memorial
can be seen as the
cradle of the history of
Austrian orthopaedics and
should therefore be seen as
a meeting place for interested parties, the like-minded, as well
as a place of study. As the old Lorenz library not only has Adolf Lorenz's own works with
handwritten corrections,
but also manuscripts and
rare examples of specialised literature in
German, English and French, it
should also be open to visitors.
Apart from well known standard publications a great many separates by well known national and foreign orthopaedist
are kept there. Among these there are
many with a personal dedication to Lorenz father and son.
Apart from the exhibition room to the right
of the entrance there is a reading room for the
new library in what used to
be the former plastering room, where well
known standard works and specialised
orthopaedic publications are displayed.