Medical Histories
and New Patient Card Index
The real treasure
in the Lorenz-practice consists of the
Patients' Medical Histories
and the Patient Card
Index provided over decades.
The Old Patient Card Index which comprises of thousands of pages is solely
from Prof. Adolf Lorenz and
goes back to the first years
of his practice. In this data there are
the medical histories for every patient, with name, date
of birth, place of birth
and their particular injuries. Nearly every file has a sketch
of the patient's deformity. From a medical historical view this Old Patient Card Index mirrors
Prof. Adolf Lorenz's orthopaedic
career. Here one can find the names of
patients from different social backgrounds, renowned persons and leaders.
After Adolf Lorenz's definite withdrawal
from his active professional life his son Albert not only took over
the venerable surgery rooms but also the Old Patient Card Index. The so called
New Patient Card Index is from
Albert Lorenz's private patients
(1948 - 1970).
The Patients' Medical Histories
of the Old and New Patient Card Index is
at the moment being systematically ordered and is
only available for consultation - respecting the data protection - by researchers, graduates and medical students after prior consent from the Adolf-Lorenz-Society.
Inquiries regarding the above are
to be made
in writing to